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To the Seven Story

This is not an easy note for us to write and share with you all, so we’ll cut right to the chase. We’ll be closing our doors at the end of June.

Our landlords have decided to not renew our lease, which ends June 30 this year.

This is a damn tough pill to swallow for our team and loyal, talented employee crew, especially given our five years of growth and our best year yet on the horizon. But we accept it’s a reality that comes with the territory of being a small business that doesn’t own our own property.

We are not going to lie - it is going to be very hard to see things end after five amazing years. We have put our heart and soul into building something great. As things come to a close at Seven Story, our first priority is our employees. We will be doing all we can to support them through this transition, including by offering opportunities at our sister brewery Lock 32 Brewing and at future projects currently in the works (more on that below). When we were informed our lease would not be renewed our staff was our first thought, and they will continue to be as we work through this.

As we look to the future, there are a few things keeping our spirits high and our positivity flourishing during the last few months of Seven Story Brewing. Here are a few examples:

  1. It’s not the place, it’s the people. We recognize that a community of beer-loving, laughter-seeking, good-times-having people like all of you and all of us isn’t defined by a place. It’s the people that matter and make these types of things great. Seven Story ending does not mean that the community we have built together stops flourishing. Quite the opposite, in fact. You’ve been so loyal to us and we promise to continue to reciprocate for a long time to come. It’ll just be in a different setting.

  2. New things on the way soon. With that said, we’ve got some exciting plans in the works, with one really big announcement coming very soon. For more than two years, we’ve been working on something we think you’re going to love. The cat may be out of the bag a bit already in some circles, but things aren’t ready to go fully public quite yet. Needless to say, we’re going to have an amazing new opportunity for us all to keep this community you’ve helped us build thriving and growing. 

  3. An old, familiar friend to keep our spirits (very) high. Our first brewery child just up the canal, Lock 32 Brewing, continues to thrive and we’re so excited about what this year has to bring there. We’re making even more investments in both the interior of the space and the expanded canalside patio. We’ll also have some new food options starting soon and more great things to come. We continue to be immensely grateful for your support, and hope to see you just as often up the road at Lock 32 once operations stop here at Seven Story. And as we mentioned above, between Lock 32 and new projects on the horizon we have the privilege to keep our amazing employees on staff.

So where do we go from here at Seven Story? That one is easy for us. Sure, we could mail it in and just coast until close. But if you know anything about us by now, you know that’s just not in us. We’re going to bust our asses and bring the energy from now until the doors lock up for the last time. We’ll have special events, new beer releases, and so much more to give Seven Story the final chapter it deserves. 

So, while the end of Seven Story is near, this is certainly not a goodbye letter. It’s a thank you to you – our loyal customers and one-time passersby. To our collectively-built community. To our amazing staff, friends, and family for your unwavering support, hard work, and hearty laughs. It’s a look forward to continued growth and even more frequent good times. 

Let’s have some fun these next few months (and well beyond), shall we? 

Thank you for helping us write this story. Now let’s get to work writing the next one. Together.

Our biggest cheers yet, 

Casey, Seth, Phill, & the Seven Story Crew